Top Meeting Trend: Creative Corporate Team Building

Just publicized April 18th, Successful Meetings magazine announced Benchmark Hospitality’s Top Meeting Trends for 2016.  See full article here. The research indicates eight top trends to watch and Creative Team Building as a part of meetings is #3. While we here at PlayWorks Group are tickled pink to be providing services to meet this trend, we couldn’t be any less surprised.

Meeting owners are realizing more and more the benefit of a playful break within the near constant onslaught of content. Participants need time to process their learning and connect with their teammates in a fun and safe environment.

Corporate team building events creates this level playing field and allows the meeting participants to rely on their default social brain to create neural connections and context around the meeting objectives. These shared experiences allow individuals to experience their co-workers in a new way, forging relationships and alliances that will assist and empower them to be more successful within their daily work. It's a win-win for the meeting and the employees.

If we're talking trends, I'd say that creating ways for meetings and employees to be more effective should never fall off this list!